
Knaresborough Revolution

Home of the SPACE Bus

  • The latest Games Consoles
  • Outside TV and Awning
  • Off-Grid Power
  • Chromebooks

Charity’s Open Air Cinema is a hit

As part of Knaresborough Revolution’s Mission statement, the group started to organise events for the community to raise funds and awareness. Their first event; an open air cinema at Knaresborough Cricket Club, hosted Grease followed by Top Gun. With popcorn flowing, the chilly September air didn’t dampen spirits. Funds raised from this event will directly go towards future events and initiatives.

Knaresborough Revolution help purchase Flight Simulator for Air Cadets

The Knaresborough Air Cadets are an essential service for young children in our town. They had a need for a professional standard flight simulator to help with parts for their Air Cadet training. The cost was too much for them to afford on their own so they reached out to Knaresborough Revolution for Help.

Knaresborough Revolution, with their strong links into grant funding assistance in the area, were able to help the organisation with a planning bid, and then coordinate their requests for funding. The flight simulator was purchased with these funds and put into service in 2023.

Recent Involvement in Knaresborough

Jubilee Festival

Knaresborough Revolution launched themselves, all hands on deck, to enable the 2022 Jubilee festival to go on without a hitch. Working behind the scenes to make sure the programme of events, including rescuing the stage from vandals, was essential to everyone’s enjoyment of the day.

Knaresborough Bed Race

It’s almost mandatory for a new organisation in Knaresborough to enter the great Knaresborough Bed Race. Feeling groovy, The crew made good time and enjoyed raising awareness of their work and showing Knaresborough

2022 Christmas Market

A lot of work goes on in December every year to make sure all the seasonal events go off without an issue. Knarersborough Revolution were there throughout the busy days, and into the evenings, helping to coordinate the logistics of composing these amazing events.